Rıfkı (Kemal Sunal), ölen babasının mallarını satmak için Almanya'dan köyüne geri döner. Köyde birden adı ermiÅŸe çıkar. Rıfkı, yaÄŸmur duasına çıkan köylüler için yarım saat içinde yaÄŸmur yaÄŸdırır. ÃœfürükçÃ...
Rıfkı, who lives in Germany, returns to his village, which he left years ago, to sell the properties inherited from his late father. A few coincidences that occur upon his arrival in the village lead to his name being associated with the ...
Rifki vertrekt van Duitsland naar zijn dorp in Turkije om alles op te halen wat zijn vader hem heeft nagelaten. Door toeval wordt hij aangezien voor een heilige en hierdoor komt hij in vreemde situaties terecht.