Police detective Sosuke is shot down while chasing down a suspect. While he is unconscious, his gun is stolen. He recovers, but loses his wife and resigns from the police force. All of a sudden, his lost gun used in a series of crimes.
옴 진리교의 사건을 모티프로 한 심리극. 신흥 종교의 간부살해사건 현장에서 범인을 추적하던 형사는 총상을 입고 총까지 분실한다. 나날의 불안에 힘들어하던 아내 또한 그를 떠...
Politierechercheur Sosuke wordt neergeschoten terwijl hij een verdachte achtervolgt. Terwijl hij bewusteloos is, wordt zijn pistool gestolen. Hij herstelt, maar verliest zijn vrouw en neemt ontslag bij de politie. Plots wordt zijn verloren ...