A water-phobic teacher is saved by a mermaid and accidentally swallows her magical pearl, trapping her on land. She enrolls in his school to retrieve it, and they fall in love, but their romance is threatened when the school principal uncov...
教師阿志(鄭伊健 飾)自小怕水,一次溺水被人魚小美(鐘麗緹 飾)所救,小美體內的珍珠卻被阿志誤吞下肚。失去了珍珠的小美無法回到大海,只好假扮學生進入了阿誌所在的學...
教师阿志(郑伊健 饰)自小怕水,一次溺水被人鱼小美(钟丽缇 饰)所救,小美体内的珍珠却被阿志误吞下肚。失去了珍珠的小美无法回到大海,只好假扮学生进入了阿志所在的学...
教師阿志(鄭伊健 飾)自小怕水,一次溺水被人魚小美(鐘麗緹 飾)所救,小美體內的珍珠卻被阿志誤吞下肚。失去了珍珠的小美無法回到大海,只好假扮學生進入了阿誌所在的學...