Joey was at the age of twenty-two and she was an independent and cheerful girl. She worked in an advertising company and she met a boy named Chiu Kwok Chiao who had just returned from America. Chiu was at the age of twenty-four. He seemed c...
凌祖兒(王祖賢 飾)個性溫柔可人,善良又開朗,是廣告公司的高級文案。趙國俊(江顯揚 飾)出國深造,學成歸來,準備投奔自己的哥哥,巧合的是,趙國俊的哥哥正是凌祖的上...
凌祖儿(王祖贤 饰)个性温柔可人,善良而又开朗,是广告公司的高级文案。赵国俊(江显扬 饰)出国深造,学成归来,准备投奔自己的哥哥,巧合的是,赵国俊的哥哥正是凌祖儿...