Gu-Jin is suspected of cheating on her girlfriend. He was caught red-handed exiting his house with another girl. Plus both of their hair was wet! Gu-Jin, claiming that this is all a misunderstanding, attempts to correct her suspicions. He s...
주인공 구진은 여자친구로부터 외도를 의심 받는다. 여자친구에게 공부한다고 말해놓고, 다른 여자랑 머리가 젖은 채 집에서 나오는 모습을 들켰기 때문이다. 구진은 이것이 오해임...
Gu-Jin wordt ervan verdacht zijn vriendin te hebben bedrogen. Hij werd op heterdaad betrapt toen hij zijn huis verliet met een ander meisje. Bovendien was hun haar allebei nat! Gu-Jin, die beweert dat dit allemaal een misverstand is, probee...